Alexander Grading

Honor God and Build People by Moving Dirt

Building People by Moving Dirt

Our Priorities…

  • GOD
  • Country
  • Family
  • Grading

Our meaningful purpose

Honor God in all we do and make a positive impact on everyone we encounter

Alexander Grading was founded in 2019 after Eric decided to leave his career in software sales and pursue his passion of heavy equipment and dirt work.  Eric’s wife, Kara (who was secretly terrified of the career change), said, “If you’ll answer the phone and do what you’ll say you’re going to do, then you will be successful.” Ultimately, our secret sauce to any success we’ve had is because we attempt to honor the Lord in everything we do. 

Our goal each day…. Honor the Lord, build people, and move a little dirt.

Core Values



Doing what is right even when no one is looking


Safety is non-negotiable

Everyone goes home every day. No profit or goal is worth someone’s life.


Make our customers look like rock stars for hiring us

We realize that our customers take a chance by hiring Alexander Grading – we want to erase any doubt that it was the right decision and help our customers look like rock stars to their customers.


PMA – Positive Mental Attitude

We believe having a good attitude is a decision you make every day and it’s infectious to everyone you encounter.  It’s a Great Day to have a GREAT DAY!


How we do anything is how we do everything

Even the smallest details matter


Embrace Technology

We have a passion for heavy equipment and technology. We want to embrace the advances in both to have more efficient/ higher quality projects (and just because we love this stuff  😊)


Generosity and Servant Attitude

If we believe it’s all from God (which we do!) – then giving of our time treasure, and talent is part of our daily routine so that other’s lives can be enriched.